A Very Valentino evening at One Aldwych

La planète mode est en effervescence – l’exposition Valentino : Master of couture a ouvert sous peu à la Somerset House, présentant une rétrospective sublime des œuvres de ce couturier mythique. Dans le cadre des ses Martini Movies, One Aldwych présentait dans sa salle de projection privée le documentaire Valentino: the last Emperor. A l’occasion était servi un cocktail  dédié au créateur, le Valentino Red : un champagne cristallin, crisp diraient nos amis britanniques, accompagné d’une cuillerée de caviar moléculaire. Ces minuscules billes contenaient Campari, Aperol, jus de fraise et avaient été concoctées une par une – quel travail ! Elles dansent joliment autour des bulles, bijoux scintillants, que l’on savoure avec délice, une à une, par jeu, par plaisir…  Once again, the Fashion crowd is rushing to the Somerset House. No catwalk this time but the most stylish exhibition: Valentino : Master of couture  presenting no less than 130 iconic dresses by this mythic designer. As part of their Martini Movies, One Aldwych presented in parallel a gorgeous documentary, Valentino: the last Emperor, in their private projection room. They even had created a sparkling cocktail dedicated to haute-couture, the Valentino Red :  the crispier champagne you can imagine with a spoonful of molecular caviar. Each of the tiny balls was made one by one with Campari, Aperol and strawberry juice. They danced cheerfully up and down, following the bubbles, like tiny jewels. Irresistible –  you just have to eat them slowly, very playful indeed.
Somerset House Valentino : Master of couture One Aldwych Hotel Martini Movies cocktail champagne exhibition fashion Valentino: the last Emperor afternoon tea very valentino Valentino redSomerset House Valentino : Master of couture One Aldwych Hotel Martini Movies cocktail champagne exhibition fashion Valentino: the last Emperor afternoon tea very valentino Valentino redSomerset House Valentino : Master of couture One Aldwych Hotel Martini Movies cocktail champagne exhibition fashion Valentino: the last Emperor afternoon tea very valentino Valentino redPuis vient le plaisir du film. Larges fauteuils de cuir, ultra-confortables, tablettes, sur le côté. Ah, le luxe de se délasser et d’alterner entre cocktail et popcorn sucré ou salé ! Time to settle in the ever-so comfortable, large leather seats of the cinema – there even is a sliding table to each. Ah, the pure luxury of alternating savory or sweet popcorn with a sip of champagne!
Somerset House Valentino : Master of couture One Aldwych Hotel Martini Movies cocktail champagne exhibition fashion Valentino: the last Emperor afternoon tea very valentino Valentino redSomerset House Valentino : Master of couture One Aldwych Hotel Martini Movies cocktail champagne exhibition fashion Valentino: the last Emperor afternoon tea very valentino Valentino redQuant à Valentino: the last Emperor : somptueux, intime, touchant, drôle dans lequel on partage un quotidien époustouflant, un talent de génie mais aussi une complicité pétillante, des conversations qui dansent entre l’anglais, le français, l’italien. On rit aux éclats, on s’attendrit, parfois même on a les larmes aux yeux… A voir absolument – achetez-le, louez-le, offrez-le. As for Valentino: the last Emperor : sumptuous, intimate, touching, funny. A rare glimpse into an amazing life, an extraordinary talent but also a heart-warming complicity, conversations juggling effortless between English, French, Italian. You will laugh with all your heart and sometimes be close to crying too. It just has to be seen, even if you are clueless about fashion. A legend. Rent it, buy it, give it as a Christmas gift to everyone you know.
Somerset House Valentino : Master of couture One Aldwych Hotel Martini Movies cocktail champagne exhibition fashion Valentino: the last Emperor afternoon tea very valentino Valentino redPour sublimer l’expérience, One Aldwych propose un afternoon tea Very Valentino qui inclue un billet pour l’exposition de la Somerset House. Au menu: trifle à la mandarine, truffes aux amandes et épices d’hiver, scones aux airelles servies avec une confiture maison aux prunes, crumpets et lemon curd, finger sandwiches de saison, thé du Tea Palace et bien sûr le cocktail au champagne Valentino Red. Et si vous avez l’occasion de passer le week-end sur Londres, offrez-vous le séjour Very Valentino qui comprend la nuit dans l’une des magnifiques chambres de l’hôtel, les petits-déjeuners et deux tickets pour l’exposition. Elegantissime!To perfect the experience, One Aldwych proposes a Very Valentino afternoon tea, which includes a ticket to the exhibition. And mouthwatering treats such as mandarin trifle, almond truffles with winter spices, cranberry scones with home-made plum jam and Devonshire clotted cream, warm crumpets with lemon curd, seasonal sandwiches, tea from the Tea Palace and of course the Valentino Red cocktail. If you have a chance to spend the week-end in London, do upgrade to the Very Valentino experience: a night in their magical rooms, breakfast and two tickets to the exhibition. Elegantissima!

One Aldwych

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